Carlos Sánchez Telescope (TCS)

with MuSCAT2 instrument

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Frame ID Object Data Right Ascension Declination Filter Exposure Air mass
3104 20200829 310.70368 -3.68907 g 30 1.27
54686 20200227 186.64287 8.03285 r 30 1.559
2012 BC124 20190210 117.84843 13.54833 z_s 15 1.154
163051 20190110 99.89290 10.59216 i 20 1.213
455176 20190211 188.38154 14.92039 z_s 20 1.148
99942 20210219 158.66764 -16.88963 i 30 1.426
2012 OP4 20190210 131.96271 8.94430 r 15 1.147
2020 TG4 20201118 68.49587 28.66976 g 30 1.043
153814 20191203 46.52684 20.62328 r 30 1.123
40267 20200226 99.03032 9.96000 g 20 1.06
326777 20190623 218.69837 20.13724 z_s 30 1.041
453778 20190521 176.83455 32.83522 i 15 1.05
2002 GZ8 20201028 60.91473 39.20076 g 30 1.397
523824 20181226 27.67185 -1.48520 r 10 1.164
3104 20200829 310.70502 -3.68575 z_s 30 1.221
36236 20191202 50.56334 16.01273 z_s 20 1.231
2011 TC4 20190623 278.70287 -1.15870 z_s 15 1.189
99942 20210219 158.66893 -16.88867 z_s 30 1.42
2008 LW16 20190624 312.50557 -17.23337 z_s 15 1.602
283729 20180801 267.31163 17.74588 g 20 1.034