Carlos Sánchez Telescope (TCS)

with MuSCAT2 instrument

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Frame ID Object Data Right Ascension Declination Filter Exposure Air mass
248926 20191003 29.06040 56.39195 z_s 15 1.155
455432 20190807 281.86641 29.94293 r 15 1.313
137199 20191204 109.16380 4.50314 i 30 1.093
2011 GA62 20180613 294.05138 -19.62670 g 15 1.603
54686 20200227 186.64402 8.03462 z_s 30 1.4
2012 BC124 20190210 117.84787 13.54819 z_s 15 1.195
NVSS 20201119 104.69512 6.63306 z_s 30 1.076
3104 20200626 320.06528 4.08606 i 30 1.096
152754 20190806 335.44581 -9.66037 g 30 1.356
137170 20190622 182.75622 36.81251 i 15 1.474
153957 20180610 272.00031 42.48826 r 7 1.087
3104 20190522 238.05710 13.64813 r 30 1.078
242147 20181227 63.95172 40.24337 r 30 1.077
85275 20201210 48.30109 -26.30769 z_s 30 1.723
6478 20190111 162.12283 -12.64727 z_s 30 1.391
3104 20190522 238.05647 13.64731 i 30 1.551
54686 20200227 186.64352 8.03366 r 30 1.44
2002 GZ8 20201028 60.91549 39.19983 g 30 1.358
154330 20201119 50.74235 39.10289 z_s 30 1.019
248926 20191003 29.06429 56.38927 r 15 1.167